Black Adventist Youth Directors Association

BAYDA is a group of youth professionals which exists to equip, empower, and engage an emerging generation of youth leaders to impact their church and community. BAYDA is comprised of the nine Regional Conference Youth Directors.

regional conferences

Allegheny East Lake Region South Atlantic

Allegheny West Northeastern South Central

Central States Southeastern Southwest Region

BAYDA is a subsidiary of the Office of Regional Conference Ministries (ORCM) 

Administrative Leadership

Dr. Paula Olivier
Northeastern Conference Youth Director

BAYDA President

Bryant Stewart
South Central Conference Youth Director

BAYDA Vice President

Lindsay Syeh
Southeastern Conference Youth & Young Adult Director

BAYDA Treasurer


BAYDA Executive Committee

Dr. Ramone Griffith
Allegheny East Youth Director

Pr. Earl Baldwin
Lake Region Youth Director

Pr. Shea Crockett
Southeastern Conference Youth Director

Pr. Jamal Franklin
Allegheny West Youth Director

Southwest Region Youth Director

Pr. John Newlove
South Atlantic Youth Director

Pr. Byron Wright
Central States Assoc. Youth Director

BAYDA Committee Invitees

David McKenzie
Atlantic Union Youth Director

Emmanuel Contreras
Greater New York Youth Director

John Scott
Ontario Conference Youth Director

Helvis Moody
Southwest Union Youth Director

Tyrone Douglas
Middle America Union Church Ministries Director

Vandeon Griffin

North American Division Youth Division

Hananiah Ruff
Pacific Union Youth & Young Adult Director

Dwayne S. Caines
Bermuda Youth Director

Tedd Williamson
Southern New England Conference

UYC 2025

On August 13-17, 2025, the Black Adventist Youth Directors Association of the Seventh-day Adventist Church will hold the 2025 United Youth Congress in Orlando, Florida. This event, which we hold in different parts of our North American Division conference every five years, targets young people who are of middle school, high school & college age. In it, we promote career planning, drug awareness, sexual abstinence until marriage and a host of other programs and seminars of an academic, as well as, a spiritual nature.

Click the following link to register:

Tell us what workshop topics you are most interested in below:

Bible Bowl Nationals 2024

The 2024 games will be held Friday, October 25th and Sabbath, October 26th, 2024 at the College SDA Church located at 337 Main Street, South Lancaster, MA 01561. This venue is located approximately 45 miles west of Boston, MA near the campus of Atlantic Union College.

Note: Register your teams for the 2024 National Bible Bowl Tournament by clicking on the registration form box below.

All other boxes below the registration form pertain to the 2023 games and will be updated as we get closer to October. If you have an iPhone a long press on the boxes below may be necessary to bring up a pop-up screen to view all pages of the selected document.

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Watch Bible Bowl Nationals

Click on the boxes below for link to the Mt. Sinai SDA YouTube Page.


Track My Team’s Progression

Note: Long press may be necessary to bring up the tracking sheet.



 What is Bible Bowl? Bible Bowl is a Ministry, a ministry to acquaint people of all ages with the word of God in a fun, interactive and in depth way. It's a game of quick recall and a way to praise the Lord with your knowledge of the word. It's a sustaining and retaining ministry. Also, it's a way to be blessed for the bible says "blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it."~ Luke 11:28 

Why Bible Bowl? 

We cheer young people on when they make an amazing catch in football or slam-dunk a basketball, why not encourage them when they demonstrate their knowledge of God’s word? With our senses so bombarded with negative images and ideas we need to hide the word of God in our hearts by reading the Bible now more than ever. The ultimate purpose of Bible Bowl, as with all Bible Study, is to bring the participants closer to Jesus. The best part is you will not have wasted your time studying the word of God because there are no losers in Bible Bowl. If you would like to be a part or know more about starting this ministry in your area Contact Maurice Turner at 817-925-9569 or by email at